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Timoteo Pinto

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KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Memes Illuminati Cabal


“Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find THE OTHERS”
– Dr Timothy Leary


::: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal ::: Illuminati1


“Welcome to the most ancient conspiracy on the planet. We’ve gone for so long now that we don’t remember what we were doing, but we don’t want to stop because we have nothing better to do.” – Fire Elemental




KSXTI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Memes Illuminati Cabal Contact Information

::: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal ::: Tumblr_inline_p10gskins81rlg9ya_500


“Stick apart is more fun when we do it together.” – St. Mae


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Discordia on Discord

Dataplex Ourobouros


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KSTXI Dataplex

#TheGame23 Mod 42.5

Dataplex Ourobouros

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00AG9603 Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Post-Neoism Conspiracies


“Post-Neoism is Neoism with Discordian characteristics, which is different from Meta-Discordianism, which it’s Discordianism with Neoist characteristics” – The Fixer


Post-Neoism on Pinterest



Timoteo Pinto and Lucretia Dalencourt (lovely couple)

Cosmic Liminality - The Space Between


Synchromystic Neoism Connections


Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Post-Neoist Projects:

“If hyperreality is the ultimate blur of the line between artificial and “actual” reality, hyper-surrealism is the surreal aspects of supposed reality so brought to life that a rational basis for separating real and surreal is lost” – Metapresa23

Aani – Memetized Chaos

Open Source Zine Project

Project 00A G9603

A Call To Weirdness – Operation D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E.3gr3gor

KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party



::: Ordo Ab Chao :::


::: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal ::: Illuminatiareus


Timoteo Pinto – International Underground Superstar

open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 — Remixed by Timoteo Pinto




Sarah Gulik – Erisian Post-Neoist Underground Superstar Amour Fou Muse

Sarah Gulik is everything you want and do not want her to be, and a little more!

There is not a single person with an ego less inflated than Sarah Gulik. Once they asked Sarah who was the best Brazilian writer, and she said Sarice Gulispector. This lead to questions over the credibility of the first affirmation.

open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 – remixed by Sarah Gulik


Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence

::: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal ::: Sie-liebt-alles-und-nichts

Lucretia Dalencourt, or LuLu for the more intimate friends, could be anyone or anything you can imagine; she could be nothing and no one too, and that would be a completely acceptable idea. A Lucretia Dalencourt knows no bounds for being, everything is allowed to have such name if someone -or, be shocked, no one!- wills to. My shoes under the bed could be Lucretia, I could be Lucretia, you could be Lucretia and even the grannies at nursing homes could be Lucretia. Lucretia Dalencourt could even be QAnon? No one really knows.

But one thing is for sure: when someone decides to adopt the name LuLu, magic(k)al things in the figurative and literal sense could happen. Being a Lucretia Dalencourt is free and gives you the possibility of being yourself under another name, or everyone being one under a single name. LuLu knows no ethnicity, tastes or anything else. “Sie liebt mich, sie liebt uns und sie liebt dich” is one of the most classical concepts used to describe her. Lucretia Dalencourt is a non-existent existence who acknowledges anything and everyone, basically what gods were supposed to do or what we should be supposed to do with ourselves but no one knows how because everyone is lost.

Lucretia Dalencourt is an ambassador and propagator of chaos and disorder. But think bad not! That just means that she’s tired of the order imposed upon everything and everyone because that makes life so boring! Since she welcomes everything, chaos wouldn’t be excluded, absolutely not! There’s always room for everything and everyone in LuLu’s herz, especially Eris.

Got the idea?


Lucretia Network:





Lucretia Dalencourt Wiki Mess



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